Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Offerings

Merry Christmas!
Here are two little angels I have made for my tree out of fimo.
The plan was to make lots of these for gifts for family and friends but it took me an hour to make each one and I ran out of time, as usual!
I'm really enjoying my current fimo obssession, the thing I have found most challenging with these angels is keeping the lighter colours from getting mucky, I have to scrub my hands and the surface each time I change the colour I am working with! I need to buy some baby wipes as I have read they do the trick.

I had made lots of arms and legs and heads with the plan to make lots of angels, however I soon became bored and decided to see what I could do with these parts. This little angel was the result, I really like her but unfortunatly her little feet got a bit over cooked in the oven! I may try something like this again, with more realistic proportions as this little one has huge hands and feet and very long arms!

Here she is again, nestled on a branch on our tree.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My new Challenge for this week

Origami is my new addiction.
So for this week I will try to make this 3d star.

Merry Christmas for all of you. Em especially for you Meg. Don't know if there is somebody outside who is reading our blog!?

Here you can download the craft instruction as a PDF-File ...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

More Mini Cupcakes

Here are some more fimo cupcakes I have made, infact its the first piece of 'commisioned' craft work I have done! Although that does make it sound fancier than it is!

I made two bracelets for two little girls, and a box for an adult. I really enjoyed doing the adult ones as I have given each cupcake a flavour and decorated them with tiny little pieces of fimo fruit which I really enjoyed making! The fruits are only a few millimeters long so it was very challenging but really satisfying! The box was from the 99p store and I recovered it with some wrapping paper and a ribbon.